


京王電鉄株式会社との共創によるホラーブランド創出への実証実験として、期間限定で閉館後の京王あそびの森 HUGHUG<ハグハグ>にて最新型ホラーアトラクションを制作しました。










始まってすぐ「キャアアア」と悲鳴が… マイク・マディソンJrのチェーンソーでゲストは毎回驚いてくれてました。

悲鳴が聞こえる度に毎回ニヤニヤ。 良いリアクションをありがとうごさいます。

YouTubeチャンネル[落合陽平の10万ボルトTV]で落合陽平さんにアトラクションをご体験いただきました。落合さんのリアクション最高です。ご馳走様でした。 実際にYouTubeをご覧になって足を運んでくださった方々もいて大変嬉しかったです。→収録時の【裏話】実は。。。ゾ。。。



ゾンビアクター増員のハグハグホラーナイト スペシャルイベント の体験ムービをご覧ください!!



お化け屋敷 お化け屋敷プロデューサー イマーシブ ハロウィン ホラー ホラーアトラクション ホラーナイト 映画

After finishing the haunted house of diversity Hug Hug Strangers…

As a demonstration experiment to create a horror brand through co-creation with Keio Electric Railway Co., Ltd., we created the latest horror attraction at Keio Asobi no Mori HUGHUG, which will be closed for a limited time.

It took less than a month to create the characters, and the work to create the characters was really, really hard…working every day from morning until midnight…days when my stomach hurt from stress…

After all that hard work, I felt a great sense of accomplishment when I completed it! I was moved to see the characters in action, and I’m really attached to Dodo-Tan, who was the hardest part to work on. It is a shame that the Halloween season cannot be held even though the world view is perfect for Halloween.

At first, I wanted to do something scarier, but during a meeting, I was told that I shouldn’t make something too scary, so [Dodo Wu-Tan] was also made a little milder than the original design. We kept the production mild, and Keio executives actually experienced it, and we received their impressions at the end.

“It’s better to be a little more scared.”


Brush up based on impressions received from executives.

There are always changes to the BGM, production, etc., so in order to make it even better, we incorporated opinions from Keio staff and performers, and improved the level every day. (At the Horror Night special event, we will increase the number of zombie actors with realistic special make-up, doubling the fear level.)

The first day was the first time we actually opened with guests.

I’m curious to see what kind of reaction he’ll get, so I sneak around every time…

Immediately after the performance started, there was a scream of “Kyaaaaaaaaa”…Mike Madison Jr.’s chainsaw surprised the guests every time.

I grin every time I hear a scream. Thank you for your good feedback.

Yohei Ochiai experienced the attraction on his YouTube channel [Yohei Ochiai’s 100,000 Volts TV]. Ochiai-san’s reaction is the best. Thank you for the meal. I was very happy to see that some people actually visited YouTube after watching it.


  1. お化け屋敷,内装,ホラーアトラクション,ホラー映画,テケテケ,FPS,特殊造形,美術セット,照明,ギミック,女優,お化け,亡霊

    『絶叫生配信』 〜呪われた怪アパート〜

  2. 【ハロウィンホラーナイト】ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン2023🎃

  3. ホラーゲーム,映画,「バイオハザード, デスアイランド」SPマスコミ記者会見,ゾンビ,特殊メイク,ホラーアクター,演出 


  4. 子供,ファンレター,ホラーアイドル,アクシュカイ,悪種界,HORROR, IDOL,握手会,推し活お化け屋敷,ホラー,ファンダム,アトラクション


  5. 3分でできる?お化け屋敷の人形の作り方

  6. 多様性のお化け屋敷ハグハグストレンジャーズファン感謝特別スペシャルイベント[ハグハグホラーナイト〜リビングデッド4323]ホラーキャラクター、ゾンビ
